Media and society
There are two
way relationships between media and society. In fact, all the activities of
media depend on social activities whereas all the functioning o f society
depends on the coverage of modern media. According to the media centric point
of view, media are the molder of society which guides social norms, values and practices.
It changes the superstition and ill culture of society for the quality of life
of the people and betterment of society for social welfare. Society centric
point of view describes media as a mirror of society which reflects only the
social reality that can not changes social rites, rituals and practices.
In fact, there
is no existence of hard and fast domination of each other but both of them are
interrelated for the existence of both. Media shapes the social psychology,
social attitude and social behavior which ultimately make effect on cognitive,
affective and behavioral dimensions of the people.
Media are also
taken as forth estate of the nation. This term is assigned to media by Edmund
Burke in England
who prioritized media after Church, Father and King. In modern society, it
coordinates between and among legislative, executive and judiciary organs of
the state. For the fast and speedy action of those national bodies, media play
as a watchdog agency to warn off or admonish those violators of public actions
and morality. There is no provision of forth estate mentioned in constitution
and in other legislation as other organs of the state. However, media is very
important for the perfect functioning of the state and society.
Media should be
taken as watchdog agency for those people who breach the legal ground and
acquire undue advantages for their selfishness, in that sense; media are the
lap dog of society which supports social order, cohesion and cooperation. Media
should never be the lap dog of wrongdoer rather right-doer.