Monday, July 11, 2016

Introduction to make up

Introduction to make up
The layout or make up of a newspaper is designed to attract readership and to optimize the newspaper's effectiveness in presenting information. Newspapers with attractive layout and design can easily take eyesight of audience. Without the good layout and design, newspaper can't get attraction of reader. Generally, reader is used to look at above side of front page of newspaper.  Interesting content as well as attractive layout can add the recipe of reader of newspapers. Good quality and interesting content can't only attract audience but also the Size of alphabet, various kind of headline, good presentational style is used to play important role. Layout is the plan of placement of various news content including opinion for where and how this content presented in newspapers which is generally decided by various subeditor under the supervision of chief editors.
Elements of make up
There are so many elements of newspaper make up. These elements are used to attract reader. However no newspaper can use all elements even in single issues but are used as per the importance. Elements are also classified as text element, visual element and invisible element.
Text element:
  1. Body detail: Body detail is the main body of the article, excluding headline, subheads, breakers, decks, etc. So, presentation and postures of this text play crucial role to make text good looking.
  2. Byline: A line identifying the author of a story is byline which is generally smaller in size and in different font than the text of the article. Placing it in proper place of byline can be attractive.
  3. Captions:  Text used to describe a picture, artwork or info graphics is caption which helps readers understand the real positioning of the pictures and can make text good looking.
  4. Deck:  It is the part of the headline, which summarizes the story and also known as deck copy. Decks are often confused with subheads. Decks allow reader to go the main points of the article without reading further. Proper use of deck can be good looking.
  5. Hammer: A larger headline above a smaller main headline which just includes few words; purpose to attract attention to major article can also play vital role in make up.
  6. Header and footer: Text appearing above the top body copy margin is a header. Text below the bottom body copy margin is referred to footer. Headers and footers usually contain a document name, page numbers, and other relevant information. Newspaper's name and dateline in every page is placed in header and credit line of the editorial and publication house placed in footer of the last page.
  7. Headline: The main title of article is headline which has large font across top of front page usually placed below the masthead. It plays vital role in newspaper make up.
  8. Kicker: A smaller-point headline which is kept before main bold headline is called kicker in American practice and strap line in British practice. In interpretative, in-depth and investigative reporting, such a heading is used to make up newspaper.
  9. Nameplates: A logo with company name is nameplate. Some companies have a nameplate with no logo as well. In such case, the text may be stylized.
  10. Pull Quote:  to draw the attention of readers, pull quotes are created form the text within the body copy. They are nothing other than the important part of the article reprinted in the box with larger font and highlight with or without box.
  11. Sidebar: Smaller articles or lists of facts which appear in boxes alongside the body copy are known as sidebars .Sidebars often provide additional information not included in the body of the article which is also used in make up of newspaper.
  12. Subheads: Assisting headlines to break text into shorter segments is subheads which sometime appear beneath a headline. A subhead should be brief and clear which is also used in make up.
  13. Teasers:  Short headline or sequence of headlines at the start of program designed to tease the audience's curiosity and keep them interested is teasers which are also used in make up process..
Visual element
  1. Box and borders: Boxes and borders are used to clarify the edges of photographs, artwork, info-graphs or important news item which are the main element of newspaper make up.
  2. Bullets and numbering: Bullets are used to point out the major items. Many subheads sometimes are presented in bullets. Sometimes numbers are used to count the main points instead of bullets. Bullets and numbers should not be larger then the font used for the text which are also used in the process of newspaper make up.
  3. Cartoon: An amusing drawing in a newspaper or magazine, especially about politics or events in the news, is also used in newspaper make up.
  4. Drops caps: Large capital letter with style presented at the beginning of articles or features is drops caps which are also used in newspaper make up.
  5. Logo:  A graphical element or stylized treatment of text which is used to quickly identify a particular company.
  6. Photographs: Pictures that is made by using a camera that has a film sensitive to light inside it are photograph. Photographs are the best attention capturing elements in newspaper layout.
  7. Rule:  Straight line frequently used to separate news columns are also used in newspaper make up.
  8. Info- graphics: Charts, Maps, diagrams, etc. are used to describe the news which attracts the eyeballs of reader.
  9. Typography: Selection of the best fonts looking attractive to catch the eye of the reader as per the text is necessary which can play vital role in newspaper make up.
Invisible element
  1. Column: Every newspaper page is divided into several columns; usually 8 columns in broadsheets.
  2. Frames: Individual shapes in grid are frames. Some columns; software allows to create frames and then fill them with the appropriate content.
  3. Grids: Grids are the underlying geometric patterns found in layouts. These patterns might not be rectangles. Each page of a document is based upon a grid, many magazines use triangular and oval shapes
  4. Margin and gutter: A margin is an area of white space serving a buffer zone the most important martins of the newspapers are its four sides or edges. Margins between columns and pages are known as gutters. Gutter margins are gibber to allow newspaper folding or book binding.
  5. Space: Space usually refers to white space. Sufficient space in the layout of newspapers makes readers relax to read the articles. Space is meaningful in various ways. Readers do not like a verbose layout. However, unnecessary space is the weakness of the layout designer.

Tips to make up editor
  1. Important news or information should get priority in the top of the newspaper
  2. Bold, small font, large font should ascertain on the basis of news.
  3. All page of newspaper should be balance.
  4. A picture presented in the top of newspaper is applicable.
  5. No figure, photo or other map should paste in the middle folding side of newspaper.
  6. Humorous pictures and cartoon should paste in the same place always.
  7. If it is necessary to put more than one pictures in same page, it is better to put large photo in the beginning and gradually smaller one.
  8. Alphabet of heading shouldn't be same in all news but should be variety.
  9. The heading of the box news should be small.
  10. One heading shouldn't touch the heading of other news and hyphen shouldn't use in heading.
  11. There should be balance between heading and photo of news.
  12. While designing the news, the format of advertisement shouldn't be forgotten.
  13. Subheading is necessary in long news.
  14. Box news should be presented in left or right side of newspaper, not in middle.
  15. Cartoon and box news shouldn't be adjacent each other.
  16. Pictures without page don't look attractive. So, if there is no pictures, box news should be given.
  17. While pasting pictures, we shouldn't forget the posture of photo.
  18. Advertisement shouldn't be pasted at the top of front page but it can be pasted in bottom side of newspaper.
  19. Columns and bars, their width and length should be fit in news.
  20. Significance of varieties and visual attraction shouldn't be forgotten.

Style of make up
a.                   Vertical make up: It is the kinds of news presentation in newspaper which is kept as per the column of newspaper where news and opinion is looked as upright.
b.                  Horizontal make up: These kinds of make up generally is used to focus on flat or straight parallel presentation of news which doesn't looked upright but straight long. Generally news story under banner heading and other is used to present on this kind of make up.
c.                   Focus make up: The focus of design is mainly looked upon main news and is used to try giving equal balance in designing too by make up editor. The use of border, box and other symbol shows the focus of news designing or make up beyond the main news too.
d.                  Centre make up: A style used to keep something in the center of newspaper is also the one style of make up. Generally, right side of top of the newspaper is taken as center point while balancing it on front page but it is center at top-left side on inner page. However, each central point of quarter side of newspaper is taken as center while making up newspaper.
e.                   Top to bottom make up: This make up style looks news from top of the newspaper to bottom but this style is very rare. This style is in fact, one style of vertical make up. 
f.                   Other. There may be other make up style as per the decision of make up editor.

News designer
The decision of news placement using various element of make up is used to be carried out by Make up editor. He/she should focus on check-clarity-condense. He/she may make comment on correction of names, place, words, figures, dates, abbreviations though it is done by subeditor.
Make up editor or layout editor or design editor is news designer under the collaboration of sub editor and other editor who generally comments on arrangement of typeface, photos, illustrations or graphics. So news designer makes comment on following element generally.
    1. Effective display of news story according to its importance.
    2. Production of pleasing effect to reader.
    3. Use to all elements of make up as per the importance to pull the eyesight or reader.
    4. Easy to read paper
The principle of design is qualities or characteristics of attraction inherent in concerned subject. If the style of news attracts news designer, to some extent, it will further attracts other general reader too.
So the responsibility of make up editor is to develop attractive make up of the newspaper. Today editing isn’t just verifying words, sentence structure and checking i9f they are in inverted pyramid, modern editing has many things to do with visual elements placing of pictures, selection of fonts, color, size, sketch, illustration etc. In other words, very glamorous look is needed with the sound news contents.
A good layout designer map out a visual path for readers to follow what comes first and gradually. It must be organized sot that the reader can move smoothly and easily through the news story. A good layout is easy to follow, arrange and emphasize information to make message as clear as possible.
A message can’t communicate unless it gets noticed. To get noticed, it has to stand out from the crowd by being different from everything around it. The approach you will use depends on the audience and its environment.
In gist, news designer makes comments on line, shape, texture, space, size, value, color etc. The right choice of elements of make up can create good layout and design. So, before planning to make any comment on news designing, following question should be considered.
    1. When will document be used?
    2. Where will it be used?
    3. Why would someone use i?
    4. Who will use it?
    5. What will make the document more useful?
To be successful, a document must pass through five stages. It must be noticed, read, understood, remembered and action upon the message. Failure any at any of these stages generally means failure for the document. As a whole, design editor can try to apply all tips or principle of good layout to make document effective and to produce visual effects on the eyes of the reader.
 So, news designer may make comment on following.
    1. Comment on advertisement placement
    2. Comment on glamorous outlook of  news content
    3. Comment on font/color/illustration
    4. Comment on photograph and its caption
    5. Comment on text and visual element of make up

Layout or Dummy
A layout is the plan for arrangement of type and art of photos, illustrations, or any other graphic including news and other information on newspaper which is presented in figure in the beginning. A good layout attracts and grabs reader's attention and pulls them into news piece which is completely appearance of newspapers. A good layout is easy to follow, arrange and emphasize message to make message as clear as possible. While making layout, it is not forgotten that what reader do want to read at first and how it is different than other.

Computer is providing support to ascertain the decision of layout and design in contemporary world. Computer has assisted to layout and design of newspaper. In fact, the concept of layout or design or make up is generally based and followed on newspaper or magazine or other late journal. Various programs of software like Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Image Ready, Page making including other office tools like Microsoft Word, Excel are used to make up and design of newspaper and magazine advertisement but page making is widely used. Computer helps to select various kinds of typography and font size to making layout and design attractive.

Process of Designing
Designing of newspaper page completely depends on plan of layout sketched or presented diagrammatically. Dummy of page may help designing and to give place value.
·         Planning : Planning is the first step of designing to ascertain how and where news story to be put.
·         Creativity: After the planning, concerned person is used to place news story and opinion in predefined area using their own creativity to show page attractive using various tools of design like typeface, color contrast, determination of column, selection of headline and its placement including all news story .
·         Production: After the use of creativity, designer finalize newspaper page to make it printable from printing press.

Principle of design/Layout
The use of design and make up elements attractively in each print media content is principle of design or layout which is different from time, place and environment.  The effective use of line, shape, texture, space, size, value and color to create unity and good looking is envisaged in principle of design. While making design of newspaper component, it shouldn’t be forgotten the subject matter to be clearly understood and read. Otherwise, effort of layout and design is vain. Generally Cursive writing, Italics typeface shouldn’t be used which creates difficulties to study the content which reduces the readability power of reader. So, the principle of design can be summarized as follows.
(iv) Balance:  It is equilibrium among all various parts and element of design and make up used in presentation of subject matter of advertisement in newspaper. If the letter spacing, copy division, word spacing is always same, that is symmetrical balance which is used in book but variety of style is used in newspaper which is generally asymmetrical balance. However, we can’t paste picture in the middle of newspaper in each page.
(v)   Contrast: It focuses on different-looking subject matter in newspaper which can easily gives information to reader which is important and which isn’t. Contrast in size, contrast in weight and contrast in position can help to make effective layout and design. Even color contrast and its variety of use can add in newspaper layout and design. Justified, left alignment, right alignment of subject matter can also show contrast.
(vi) Harmony: It consists effective use of every principle to make it good looking which focuses generally on balance, rhythm and unity of newspaper. Appropriate color, letter, tone, typeface, decoration etc emphasizes on harmony which makes easy to subject matter to read and to be understood.
(vii)     Emphasis: The effective use of visual element like box, border, info-graphs or ruler can help to emphasize advertisement which. Emphasis on subject matter can pull eyes of reader at first in given subject matter. Emphasis is made in each and every pages of newspaper which helps to identify attractive page. 
(viii)   Rhythm: It is the combination of balance, contrast, harmony, emphasis, unity, and variety altogether in each and every advertisement which shows the specific feature of particular newspaper. Rhythm represents the particular style of eye movement which is generally follows right to left. Same size font, picture, illustration in each and every page creates rhythm in various newspaper page and location. 
(ix) Unity: We have to focus each content of newspaper equally to make it good looking. We can make unity in each advertisement with the help of pictures, color, shape, texture, ruler by repetition time and again as per the necessity.
(x)   Variety: Variety in design is made just changing the style of typeface, shape, size or color or illustration, presentation of content and heading of subject matter. The style of page making may be different in each and every issues of newspaper content which is determined by creative person.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Suman ji could i get you facebook link or contact number.
