Monday, July 11, 2016


Vertical Ownership
An ownership having investment in different area of the same media market from production to distribution is vertical ownership in to maximized the profit from other media owned by other for e.g., all the required area of business are owned under same ownership  of television as follows.
  • Studio.
  • Production house
  • VJ training
  • Camera shop
  • Television shop
  • television maintenance center
  • Advertisement agency
  • Cable service provider.

Horizontal ownership

An ownership having investment in all kinds of existing media is horizontal ownership. For e.g. Ownership on radio both (AM and FM), television both (entertainment and informative) Newspaper Both (daily and Weekly) Magazine, online media book publishing Company cinema hall film production company under same media ownership. In the context of Nepal, Kantipur publication on Pvt. Ltd has such ownership.

Chain ownership

The concentration of different media under single organization is chain ownership. This ownership is the consequences of excessive media competition, economically viable media started to buy all other media having loss in market. As a result, there will be concentration of all media under single umbrella ownership as a chain. However, individual management committee of each media is quite independent for their transaction. But the overall income goes to the main owner of the media. For example; DW of German as the umbrella ownership of different 41 distinctive media.

Cross Ownership

An ownership having and investment in media and non media market both is cross ownership which is also called conglomerate ownership. For example; ownership of bank, insurance company, biscuit factory and media like Radio, TV etc. Cross ownership is also referring to cross between electronic and print media too. However, with the growing liberalization and globalization of investment, no legal enactment of the nay nation can make such criteria in today's world. Media owner may decide about such ownership themselves as per their necessity.

Functions, Duties and Powers of the Council:
The functions, duties and power of the Council shall be as follows:-
·         To make suggestions to His Majesty's Government by reviewing from time to time the policies relating to journalism and by obtaining suggestions from the concerned quarters.
·         To enforce a code of conduct for journalism by drawing it up with a view to development healthy journalism.
·         To make suggestions to Nepal Government for the development of journalism.
·         To keep an up-to date record concerning the circulation of paper.
·         To take necessary actions, upon receipt of any complaint by the Council, as to any news item published in any paper.
·         To submit an annual report to His Majesty's Government on the studies and evaluation carried out on the activities and prevailing situation of papers, and
·         To carry out inquiries into the anti-social and objectionable items published in any paper.

Digitalization in communication
It is the4 general term used for the process of the computerization of all data transmission, storage and processing, employing the binary code (0+1), and as such basis for convergence of media it is certainly best known in reference to replacement of traditional analogue system by digital transmission system of TV signal, radio signal, satellite signal leading to a large increase in potential capacity and scope for the interactivity. The process of digitalization has been making positive effect on Nepalese mass media after the restoration of democracy. The majority of the TV signal has accessed to satellite which inherently refers to the digitalization process. Numbers of the TV channels is being increased. TV reception system has changed from household receiver to direct wireless system. Wireless system in telephone and radioactive appliance are being affected by digital system. Large portion of urban area has been covered by digital system. However, majority rural area is aloof from digital system.

Public service broadcasting

It is the system of broadcasting that is publicly founded and operated in a non profit way in order to meet needs of various public communications of all citizens of nations. Such service survives on the ground of general public interest and it can meet certain communication needs that tend to be neglected in commercial system because their issues are unprofitable. Neglected issues includes on universal service, special needs of minority, certain provisions of educational system and services to democratic political system by giving some degree of open and diverse information to fulfill the general needs of a public as a citizen in a given territory. For example; Radio Nepal, BBC World Service, European Broadcasting Association etc.
Audience survey
To get a measurement of a total number of audiences regarding particular media, audience survey is conducted. It is a research technique applied to know the total situation, distribution and preference of audience. This survey is conducted either to know the audience of particular media or to compare among different media and their audience. According to the nature of audience, there are different kinds of as audience survey which are as follows.
  • Readership survey
  • Viewership survey
  • And listnership survey
Readership survey is conducted to know the total numbers of audience of given newspaper or magazine, whereas viewrship survey is conducted to know the total number of viewer of TV or its program. Like this, listnership survey is conducted to know the situation of audience of particular radio program.

Total numbers of audience will also determined by knowledge, skills, educational quality including availability of given media. To know the knowledge and skills of media especially the newspaper readability survey or feedback survey can be conducted. Readability survey tries to analyses the capacity of readers to read effectively and understand properly of media content. Researcher can also use feedback survey to know the knowledge, attitude and behavior of specified audience.

 Radio Bulletin

Headline news
Commercial break
Detail news; political, economical, international, sports
Headline and

Special edition

Newspapers are used to publish their especial edition in special time period. International newspapers are used to publish it especially on Sunday whereas it is published on Saturday.  Koseli of Kantipur Daily, City Post of The Kathmandu Post Daily, Perspective of THT, Sanibaharia of Gorkhapatra are the examples of special edition of Nepali newspapers.

Types of news
  • According to the subject matter
  1. Hard news: News related to very important and factual event or issues are hard news. If these issues are not disseminated instantly, it will be stale tomorrow. For example; political events, speech of prominent leader etc.
  2. Soft news: This news which is simply written for leisure time and pleasure on less urgent matter is soft news. It does not address the reader directly but reader's emotional position, feeling like love, hate, jealously, news of engagement, weddings; sports are the examples of soft news.
According to the placement
  1. Main news: Main news are the event which easily the matters of curiosity of people or of human i9nterest. This news is very important news.
  2. Filler news: This type of news comes in newspaper in order to fill the gap I the space of newspaper. In a time of layout and designing, it may not be suitable. So, journalist writes news in order to fill the gap which may or may not be the important news issues.
  3. Anchor news: It is placed in the bottom of newspaper which is also presented in feature issues too.
    • On the basis of issues; Economical, social, political, environmental, geographical, parliamentary news etc.
    • On the basis of practices; Conventional,  Analytical, Descriptive, Interpretive, Investigative
    • On the basis of media; Radio news, TV news,

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